Financial Difficulties

SMEs in or Facing Financial Difficulties

We understand that from time to time you may face financial difficulties which may affect your ability to re-pay your credit agreement with us. It is important that you engage with us to address these financial difficulties. If you find yourself in this situation we would like to bring your attention to our Information Booklet for SMEs in Financial Difficulty which is available for download below.
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Consumers in or Facing Financial Difficulties

We understand that from time to time you may face financial difficulties which could affect your ability to re-pay your credit agreement with us. We recommend that you read this information sheet and contact us as soon as possible if you are, or feel you may shortly be, in arrears.
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Residential Mortgages Customers Facing Financial Difficulties

At Finance Ireland Credit Solutions DAC (Finance Ireland), we are very aware that the current economic climate has had an effect on many people’s financial situations. Unforeseen life events can also have an effect. If your financial situation has changed for any reason and you are struggling to pay your mortgage, please talk to us. There are options available and we are fully committed to working with you to find a solution. In fact, the earlier we know about your difficulties, the sooner we can help you.
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